
Chris McLean’s Avatar Chris McLean
26th April 2024 at 13:11
Thanks, great tip, and please let me know how you get on, I'm not sure I'm going to get the chance this weekend.
Christopher Jeffrey’s Avatar Christopher Jeffrey
27th April 2024 at 20:06
So did it with no alterations to proportions (Degroff recipe) and I'm inclined to say my initial suspicion that the spice would bully the other ingredients was right. Still a decent drink but would probably be better if the Becherovka was touched down to 5ml or so.
Chris McLean’s Avatar Chris McLean
29th April 2024 at 16:24
Many thanks, I'll have a dabble in due course and might start with a teaspoonful or two and see how it goes. I indulged in a stout with a separate shot of Becherovka over the weekend for a bit of Prague nostalgia to reacquaint myself with the stuff.