The original Alexander cocktail consisted of equal parts gin, crème de cacao liqueur and cream. Over time, other spirits were substituted for the gin...
Followed the breadcrumbs from Brandy Alexander to this fascinating history - thank you! Going to offer a variety of Alexander's at Christmas this year, including the "Christmas Velvet".
I recently had (and enjoyed!) a Willem Alexander in Amsterdam. This was made with Rutte Old Tom Genever, crème de cacao, Eau de Ma Tante liqueur and condensed milk. I can’t seem to source Eau de ma Tante liqueur in the UK. What do you think would be a good substitute?
I've added A. V. Wees Eau De Ma Tante Liqueur to Difford's Guide as a cherry brandy but without sampling it's difficult to suggest alternatives. It is made in Amsterdam with sweet Dutch cherries and fresh sour cherries from Belgian steeped in brandy, with fresh peaches infused with eau-de-vie, and fresh raspberry juice blended with distillates of raspberries and cherries.