
Matt’s Avatar Matt
23rd July 2024 at 03:08
The easiest to remember and measure of the daiquiri templates - and a GREAT PARTY COCKTAIL! Personally, I prefer the 6:2:1, but this is a crowd-pleaser, since it is sweet and has a significant citrus flavor. When I make it for myself, I use a strongly flavored rum that can punch through the sweet citrus (like a Jamaican, or rhum agricole), but honestly many prefer a anodyne white rum :( Oh well. A classic recipe regardless.
Florian Ruf’s Avatar Florian Ruf
2nd August 2022 at 13:05
This a very tasty and lime forward version, so naturally the rum can't shine. But it is a great cocktail for a hot summer day, although personally I like the 10:3:2 formula most.