
Miguel Perales’ Avatar Miguel Perales
2nd April 2023 at 21:20
Based on the cocktail review description "and dashes of zesty citrus", I am going to assume that the drink calls for some citrus and it was accidentally left out of the ingredient list. I figured lemon would be better so I first added 1/3 oz/10 ml of lemon juice but it was pushing my sweetness limit. Re-made it adding 1/2 oz/15 ml of fresh lemon juice it was a much better balanced cocktail with those "dashes of zesty citrus" present . Based on the volume, I used a Nick and Nora glass.
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
3rd April 2023 at 07:20
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, Miguel. The missing ingredient was orange bitters, now added. However, as soon as a have some fresh raspberries, I'll make it again with a view to improving the recipe.