Unwrapped Sessions is a series of masterclasses developed and curated by the William Grant & Sons UK Brand Ambassador team. Broken down into a sequence of bite sized chapters, designed to watch on the go, each session delves into a unique subject offering personal insight and inspiration to help enrich both individual and career development.
From meeting some of Scotland's finest mavericks and exploring the science behind the benefits of nature; navigating the world of cocktails and learning how to be more 'maltfull'; to discovering how constraints can lead to beautiful creativity and just how do you fake it 'til you make it?! - the WG&S UK brand ambassadors, alongside some special guests, will share their secrets to success, with a few curveballs along the way (watch out for Monkey Shoulder...)
If you look at our Family crest, you'll see the words 'Stand Fast'. That's exactly what we're doing, together as a business, a family, and an industry, as we work though this unprecedented time due to the ongoing pandemic.
To aid the industry, William Grant & Sons UK launched the #StandFast campaign in 2020, a multi-pronged relief effort to support the on-trade community on an ongoing basis, proudly partnering with The Drinks Trust and The Ben in Scotland.
Please keep an eye out for the latest #STANDFAST initiatives by following along @williamgrantuk
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© Odd Firm of Sin 2025