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Jesse C.

I'm a cocktail geek and hobbyist from Victoria, Australia who's always looking to hone my knowledge and technique and to share what I learn freely.

Australia Australia




  • Conversation Starter #228

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Jesse C.’s Avatar Jesse C.
Is the whole egg a typo? Other specs for this cocktail online only call for an egg white.
Jesse C.’s Avatar Jesse C.
I've seen Fernet Vallet rather than Branca called for elsewhere (also mentioned under 'History' for your Succulent Blood cocktail), would that happen to be the original recipe? Have you found that you prefer Branca in this cocktail?
Jesse C.’s Avatar Jesse C.
Do the 2 drops of saline solution in the current recipe take the place of the half pinch of salt if not salting the rim? Or do you recommend 2 drops saline in addition to either the half pinch or salt rim?
Jesse C.’s Avatar Jesse C.
Sounds like a delightful combination. The review mentions Irish whisky, but it doesn't appear in the recipe - is this an error with the former or latter?