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John McTague

United Kingdom United Kingdom




  • Commenter #119
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John McTague’s Avatar John McTague
I've made this with both Amaro Nonino and Amaro Nonino. Maybe I have a terrible palate, but the difference between the two resulting drinks is minor. As I don't use Nonino for much else, I'll probably stick to Montenegro in future and save some money, as Carol Smith suggests. Will definitely try this with rye next time too.
John McTague’s Avatar John McTague
Enzonis are great. Also really like the Fall Enzoni (made with rye whiskey, red grapes - and a bit more lemon & syrup - look it up!)
John McTague’s Avatar John McTague
New York Sour and Brunswick are both great drinks, and both are really good with a ruby port float
John McTague’s Avatar John McTague
Thank you Simon - just ordered some, hopefully (my Flemish isn't very good!)