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Rae Hopcroft

New Zealand New Zealand




  • Commenter #278
  • Appreciated Commenter #284
  • Conversation Starter #526

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Rae Hopcroft’s Avatar Rae Hopcroft
Surprisingly good. Substituted 2:1 sweet vermouth:Becherovka as had no Punt e Mes. Needs a good long stir to truly come together.
Rae Hopcroft’s Avatar Rae Hopcroft
Ever so slightly too sweet - read the comments before making. Would dial back the agave a touch to accommodate Fee Aztec bitters but otherwise a delicious sipper. A few grains of salt also lifted the flavour somewhat.
Rae Hopcroft’s Avatar Rae Hopcroft
I agree with Avery, definitely not a wow drink. Not unpleasant but “shallow” is a good description. I had even used a spiced simple syrup to complement the rum flavours yet somehow it's very unremarkable.
Rae Hopcroft’s Avatar Rae Hopcroft
I also don’t have Lillet but found a 2:1 sake:Becherovka a good substitute with a dash of chocolate bitters. Couldn’t decide if this is a before dinner aperitif or an after dinner digestif.