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Rob .

Music lover, movie buff, TV binger, gamer. Coffee snob & Whiskey aficionado. Music lover, movie buff, TV binger, gamer. Coffee snob & Whiskey aficionado.
Chelsea & New England Patriots fan.

United Kingdom United Kingdom


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  • Appreciated Commenter #510
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Rob .’s Avatar Rob .
Tweaked it a little for what I had in the cupboard.


30 ml Aberlour 10 yo single malt
15 ml Cocchi Sweet Vermouth
15 ml Stambecco Cherry Amaro
30 ml Cocchi Dry Vermouth
1 dash Angostura Aromatic Bitters

And I used a Nick & Nora. Absolutely fantastic!
Rob .’s Avatar Rob .

Is there any possibility of publishing an appendix alongside the what I assume to be the upcoming 18th edition - that past owners could purchase? It would be great to have just the new cocktails and updated cocktails in a smaller stand-alone appendix (coming from the perspective of an owner of the 17th edition) - as more recently I've found myself going to look for a recipe that you've posted on Instagram only to find that its only on the website and not within the 17th edition.

Thanks in advance

Rob .’s Avatar Rob .
That’s very unfortunate, but thanks for the prompt reply Simon. Would you ever attempt to make any contact with his family to see if they would be interested in republishing it?
Rob .’s Avatar Rob .
Any chance of you reprinting this? It would be nice if people could actually read it instead of seeing greedy people trying to sell copies online for over a £1,000.