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Roy Movrich




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Even though I used pure, unsweetened cranberry juice in a bid to counter the Krupnik and the lychee liqueur it was still way too sweet.
I'll stick to the Diffords original thank you.
Since I prefer my drinks on the tart side, I tried this both ways - omitting the sugar syrup and omitting the Grenadine. I liked the Grenadine only version.
Its pronounced "fight"?
In the Malay language, which I speak, "pahit" means bitter; although the cocktail itself was anything but.
It was beautifully balanced.
Where I come from, the oranges are hit-and-miss - you get very sweet oranges and horrendously sour ones, often in the same batch!. So I use San Pellegrino Limonata if I have sweet oranges and Sprite if the oranges are the mouth-puckering type. Works every time.