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David Brockley

United Kingdom United Kingdom




  • Commenter #227
  • Appreciated Commenter #229
  • Conversation Starter #89

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David Brockley’s Avatar David Brockley
Rarely comment despite constant use of the site but this is phenomenal. And I say that as someone who likes boozy drinks with no citrus (other than garnish) and who actively dislikes fruity things and vodka cocktails. The balsamic was revelatory. Didn't measure 5 drops as intended. Just came out in a small stream with my finger over and then incorporated with a cocktail stick. Pepper and balsamic would seem to be underutilised in the cocktail world after this.
David Brockley’s Avatar David Brockley
Surely too low proof to flambé? Especially swirled rather than floated. Didn't ignite for myself. Good digestif though after a three course meal and espresso. Working better than the single measure of Calvados did.
David Brockley’s Avatar David Brockley
Made with an Armagnac and a vintage orange liqueur (de kuyper) I picked up at auction. Tasty stuff.
David Brockley’s Avatar David Brockley
Love a bamboo. Punch above their weight. This is supposed to be served up though right? Not on the rocks?