That's a no from me. dawg... Flavor's okay, though pretty orangey (enough that I could find several other options). Kinda thin... But the color! A purply-blue over ice turns a hideous green-gray when cream is added. Any other colored addition (whether translucent/transparent) also yields a weirdly muddy, unappetizing shade. Nope, nope, nope! The rest of the bottle will have to be used on macabre Halloween concoctions.
Lovely, subbed in Courvoisier. Accompany with the magnificent Lullaby of Leaves (Beth Hart and Joe Bonamassa-or by Ella, or Connie Evingson), Autumn Leaves, See You in September...
While I'll have to experiment with making my own over here in the US, I heartily support the occasional addition of salt to cocktails, desserts, etc., for enhancing flavors. Just as in the fairy tales (Cap O' Rushes for one), a pinch of salt can make all the difference.