Address: Calle De Santo Tomé 8, Centro, Madrid, 28004, Spain
Website: view Ficus Bar’s website
Instagram: @ficusmadrid
Hours: Mon-Fri 17:00-01:30, Sat-Sun 15:30-02:30
Style: Cocktail bar
Ficus is an African inspired retreat in the heart of Madrid. We draw inspiration from the remarkable life of Elizabeth Hotson , the grandmother of the owner. She lived in Ghana for many years and developed an interest in African art and craftsmanship.
At Ficus we stay true to our DNA and make cocktails according to our values. Botanic mixology, Natural ingredients, Sustainability, Tradition, Craftsmanship, Innovation, Art and of course Passion for what we do!
Jack-O'-Lantern (Espresso Martini)
Ketel One vodka, Natural Pumpkin SpicePuree. [We make the puree in our lab, using pumpkin scraps from a local grocery store and collect the spices and herbs from scraps from another neighboring business, which sells spices.] Cold Brew that we make with a recipe of our own using waste coffee grounds from a local coffee shop, a Splash of Soffee, a Tablespoon of MISO [fermented soybean paste], a Pipette of Saline Solution.
We top our cocktail with mascarpone foam and pumpkin powder. [We get the whole milk that we use for the mascarpone foam recipe from the local coffee shop.]
Helping the community: With this cocktail we are on a mission to raise awareness for people with disabilities and want to support the foundations that are dedicated to improve the life of those people. We have partnered up with the local APASCOVI Foundation, which is dedicated to improving the quality of life for people of all ages with disabilities. Together with them we have gathered a group of people with disabilities and asked them to draw their own version of this this cocktail, the Jack-o'-Lantern, which you will see when your receive the cocktail.
Cocktail initiative: A cocktail that raises awareness for local people facing disabilities and the foundations dedicated to improve their lifes.