Frozen fun: blended drinks

Words by Jane Ryan

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With the current craze for slushie cocktails at London’s top bars, not to mention the oncoming heat wave we’re all hoping for, we thought it was time to dispel the myth that blended drinks can’t be taken seriously and present our top ten.

You can't sip on a boozy Manhattan or Martinez every day of the week, sometimes you need a little frozen fun. So leave the ego at the door and enjoy some of these deliciously blended treats.


Adapted from Victor Bergeron's 'Trader Vic's Bartender's Guide' 1972 revised edition.
Glass: Old-fashioned
Garnish: Pineapple wedge and maraschino cherry
Method: Blend all ingredients with 12oz scoop of crushed ice and serve with straws.
1½ shot Bacardi Superior Rum
1 shot Fresh pressed pineapple juice
½ shot Freshly squeezed lemon juice
¼ shot Sugar syrup (1 water : 2 sugar)
¼ shot Pomegranate (grenadine) syrup

Funky Monkey

Created in 1998 by Tony Abou-Ganim, Las Vegas, USA.
Glass: Coconut shell
Garnish: Toasted coconut strips
Method: Blend all ingredients with 12oz scoop of crushed ice and serve with straws.
1 shot Bacardi Gold Rum
¾ shot Crème de banane liqueur
¾ shot White crème de cacao liqueur
1 shot Coco López cream of coconut
1 shot Double (heavy) cream
1 shot Milk
1 fresh Banana (peeled)

Beach Blonde

Created in 2002 by Alex Kammerling, London, England.
Glass: Collins
Garnish: Banana chunk
Method: Blend all ingredients with 12oz scoop of crushed ice and serve with straws.
½ fresh Banana (peeled)
3 shot Warninks Advocaat
1 shot Wray & Nephew overproof rum
3 shot Freshly squeezed orange juice

Beachcomber's Daiquiri

Created by Ernest Raymond Beaumont-Gantt, A.K.A. Don The Beachcomber at his bar in Hollywood, California.
Glass: Martini
Garnish: Lime slice
Method: Blend all ingredients with one 6oz scoop crushed ice and serve with straws.
2 shot Bacardi Superior Rum
1 shot De Kuyper Triple Sec
¾ shot Freshly squeezed lime juice

Abacaxi Ricaco

Adapted from David Embury's 1948 'The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks'. The Portuguese name of this Brazilian drink literally translates as 'Extra Delicious Pineapple'.
Glass: Pineapple shell (frozen)
Garnish: Cut a straw sized hole in the top of the pineapple shell & replace it as a lid
Method: Cut the top off a small pineapple and carefully scoop out the flesh from the base to leave a shell with 12mm (½ inch) thick walls. Place the shell in a freezer to chill. Remove the hard core from the pineapple flesh and discard; roughly chop the remaining flesh, add other ingredients and blend with one 12oz scoop of crushed ice. Pour into the pineapple shell and serve with straws. (The flesh of one pineapple blended with the following ingredients will fill at least two shells).
1 whole Pineapple (fresh)
3 shot Bacardi Gold Rum
¾ shot Freshly squeezed lime juice
½ shot Granulated sugar

Frozen Daiquiri

Daiquiris were originally shaken and served 'straight-up' or 'on-the-rocks'. The frozen, blended version is said to have first been produced by Emilio Gonzalez at the Plaza Hotel in Cuba. However, it was made famous by Constantino (Constante) Ribalagua Vert who presided over the bar at Havana's La Florida (later renamed Floridita to distinguish it from the restaurant of the same name) for some forty years until his death in early December 1952.
Glass: Martini
Garnish: Maraschino cherry
Method: Blend well all ingredients with 6oz scoop of crushed ice. Strain blended drink through a fine strainer to remove ice fragments.
2 shot Bacardi Superior Rum
¾ shot Freshly squeezed lime juice
¾ shot Sugar syrup (1 water : 2 sugar)
⅛ shot Luxardo maraschino liqueur

Piña Colada

The name 'Piña Colada' literally means 'strained pineapple', a reference to the freshly pressed and strained pineapple juice used in the drink's preparation. Three Puerto Rican bartenders contest the ownership of their country's national drink.
Glass: Hurricane
Garnish: Pineapple wedge & maraschino cherry
Method: Blend all ingredients with one 12oz scoop crushed ice & serve with straws.
2 shot Bacardi Gold Rum
4 shot Fresh pressed pineapple juice
1 shot Coco López cream of coconut
1 shot Double (heavy) cream
1 pinch Salt

Brazilian Coffee

Strong coffee and plenty of sugar are essential in this Brazilian number.
Glass: Toddy
Garnish: Coffee beans
Method: Blend ingredients with 6oz scoop of crushed ice. Pour into glass and serve with straws.
30 ml Ypioca Empalhada Prata
30 ml Double (heavy) cream
60 ml Espresso coffee (hot)
22 ml Sugar syrup (1 water : 2 sugar)

Blue Lagoon

Created in 1960 by Andy MacElhone (son of Harry) at Harry's New York Bar, Paris.
Glass: Collins
Garnish: Orange slice
Method: Blend ingredients with 12oz scoop of crushed ice. Pour into glass and serve with straws.
30 ml Tanqueray London Dry Gin
30 ml Ketel One Vodka
30 ml Bols blue curaçao liqueur
30 ml Freshly squeezed lime juice
30 ml Sugar syrup (1 water : 2 sugar)

Batida de Milho Verde

A classic Brazilian drink.
Glass: Collins
Garnish: Dust with cinnamon powder
Method: Blend all ingredients with 12oz scoop crushed ice. Serve with straws.
75 ml Ypioca Empalhada Prata
70 gram Sweetcorn (canned)
45 ml Condensed milk

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