This cocktail was perfectly balanced. Did use slightly less sugar syrup, but the ratio of grappa to chartreuse was perfect for us. The lime added the citrus hint which rounds out the herbal notes.
I upped the grappa (Santa Teresa Grappa Marolo, made with Brunello grapes) to 1.5 fl oz and reduced the sugar syrup to 0.25 fl oz. This makes the grappa:Chartreuse ratio more Last-Word-like, but it's still pretty sweet to my taste. The lower proportion of lime (than Last Word) accentuates the grappa-Chartreuse interplay, which is nice. Cool name, too!
As ever, I shall be making this with Nardini Bianca 50, the world’s finest grappa. But probably upping the spirit content as most of Simon’s excellent drinks are a little heavy on the Chartreuse/Maraschino/Kümmel/Creme de Cacao. Although not by much!