
Colin Johnson’s Avatar Colin Johnson
5th March 2023 at 00:47
After using a digital scale for coffee and baking, I've also moved to using it for cocktails. It's especially handy for sticky ingredients and means not having to wash jiggers. I use 1g=1ml and 1oz=1floz
10th June 2023 at 13:35
This is a terrible idea. When measuring ingredients for cocktails you're going to be dealing with fluids of vastly different densities. A sugar syrup will be 30% more dense than water if not more, whereas alcohol is only 80% as dense as water. Using an estimate of 1 g = 1 mL across the board will result in badly mis-measured cocktails.

This idea would be fine if the recipes you are using were written for weights, but you can't assume that weight and volume are the same thing and expect good results.