
John Hinojos’ Avatar John Hinojos
9th June 2022 at 00:45
We really liked it. A bit on the dry side which is perfect. The gin adds herbal notes and it was just a wonderful unique colour. The hints of orange help to round out the taste. Reminds me of a dry gin margarita. Yikes.
Beth Schneider’s Avatar Beth Schneider
19th December 2021 at 20:04
Blue, citrus and boozy!
Richard Elgar’s Avatar Richard Elgar
12th May 2021 at 06:06
I thought this was, a bit surprisingly, OK! I drank one tonight in honor of the Pullman (railroads) Strike that contributed to the setting up of the Labor Day holiday in America. Listening to Coltrane's album of course, while living here in Pullman, WA, named after George Pullman.