Nocello is a walnut and hazelnut-flavoured liqueur from Italy produced by the Toschi Vignola, its packaging is made all the more distinctive by the walnut...
I could sniff a bottle of this all day - there's just something about the smell that I find enchanting. It's sweet, but not cloying and I enjoy nursing an ounce or so.
Make an Old Fashion with this simply by using a half ounce in place of the syrup. I personally love it, but my wife and a friend said the walnut was a bit over powering
22nd July 2021 at 12:01
That the green walnuts must be gathered on Midsummers Day is not a superstition. Rather, that's when green walnuts are sufficiently mature to harvest while the shell inside is still being soft enough to quarter. That said, I've harvested green walnuts on June 28th and they were still soft enough to slice through without any trouble.
Make an Old Fashion with this simply by using a half ounce in place of the syrup. I personally love it, but my wife and a friend said the walnut was a bit over powering