
John Hinojos’ Avatar John Hinojos
30th July 2023 at 03:26
For us this was next to a perfect digestive. Living in San Diego, CA, USA, our mint grows year round. The subtle hint of orange and the bitters with a whiff of mint on the cognac was exquisite. Another for our evening routine.
G. M. Genovese’s Avatar G. M. Genovese
16th June 2023 at 11:13
Pretty darn good. I think I overdid it on the mint leaves (is there a standard size for a mint leaf in these recipes??), so it ended up tasting a bit like a Mint Julep. The Cognac and bitters emerged in the aftertaste. I would say 'refresher' is an apt moniker. (16 Jun 2023, 7:13a)