
Michael Z’s Avatar Michael Z
8th August 2023 at 03:24
As someone who hasn't found pleasure in dry (original) martinis, I think this was a well-balanced recipe.
Brandon John’s Avatar Brandon John
21st January 2022 at 08:42
We enjoy this one a lot, with a couple of tweaks to dry it out further. No sugar as Simon suggests, instead upping the whiskey to 7.5 mls for a little sweetness. The fragrance of the cucumber slice is key.
William Smith’s Avatar William Smith
5th October 2020 at 01:45
I'm sipping one of these right now. Didn't have any Japanese whisky, so I used a Highland single malt. I quite like it, but next time I think a touch more vermouth, and lose the simple. It's already sweet from the whisky.