
Lizz Martin’s Avatar Lizz Martin
23rd April 2022 at 17:57
Hi Simon - where can I buy this at 40% abv? Pretty sure the one on Amazon is 20%. Ta
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
24th April 2022 at 09:57
De Kuyper made both a 20% "Curacao Triple Se and a 40% "Triple Sec". The 40% version is difficult to tell from Cointreau when blind tasting and is available from online retailers including
16th December 2021 at 22:04
Do you know if there is any difference between the De Kuyper Triple Sec and the De Kuyper Curacao Triple Sec apart from the ABV (40 % vs. 20 %)?
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
17th December 2021 at 08:22
Could well be formulated from the same base with less alcohol and less sugar to retain balance. However, I don't consider a "triple sec" under 40% alc./vol. to be a triple sec as the alcohol strength is a major component in recipes such as the one above.