If you like the Penicillin Cocktail, then you'll also like this rosemary, ginger, lemon and honey infused bourbon cocktail, shaken and served on-the-rocks
Better with a quarter ounce of islay whisky. My issue is that it sits in between the penicillin (with the honey-ginger whiskey) and the last word/final ward (with the chartreuse and rosemary) and whilst I love both, I don't know if they work as well together.
Made this twice in a row, but using a different base spirit, bonded bourbon, then gin. Both are pretty tasty, though I preferred the (Ford's) gin version. I did use Chartreuse Verte for both, adding to its punch. The ginger syrup I made today using a 2:3:3 ratio I've come to prefer: (by weight) ginger, agave syrup, water, with cracked pepper added for zing. Also used ginger bitters instead. Great drink specs-wise and for those (like me) who have an out-of-control rosemary bush in the garden.
6th October 2020 at 17:46
Tastes a lot like a bourbon sour with some rosemary flavors.