
John Hinojos’ Avatar John Hinojos
22nd July 2023 at 01:44
Very good cocktail. Would be nice on a hot day or at a picnic. Flavours work well together. The lime zest is critical to the overall falvour, it should not be omitted.
26th February 2022 at 11:49
Everyone .who knows how to make classic gulf steam?I was seem before.
sharing recipe for me .thanks
Doug Charnock’s Avatar Doug Charnock
21st July 2021 at 01:58
Yum! This is going to be a regular feature of our evening cocktail on the veranda. The generous helping of the grated lime produces an unexpected complexity and bitterness for such a simple cocktail.
Hunter Newsome’s Avatar Hunter Newsome
25th April 2021 at 19:02
I go 0.25oz syrup for an oude and double for a jonge. The fresh, almost camphor-like effect of the grated lime zest sets this apart from other drinks.