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Juan Simon

Canada Canada




  • Commenter #141
  • Appreciated Commenter #134
  • Conversation Starter #532

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Juan Simon’s Avatar Juan Simon
I recommend using an interesting Rum here to make it less cut and dry and more interesting. I bit too dry for my taste but that can be adapted with a funky rum and maybe including 1/4 of simple syrup.
Juan Simon’s Avatar Juan Simon
I feel like you need a good smoky Mezcal to have a chance against the Chartreuse, otherwise it disappears in the background and it feels unbalanced, albeit still good. Montelobos Mezcal works for me.
Juan Simon’s Avatar Juan Simon
Chartreuse and Campari! What else?
Juan Simon’s Avatar Juan Simon
Very unique taste! It seems bitter then a tad sweet. Very interesting play of the senses with this cocktail!