
Everleaf story image 1

Everleaf story

Founded by Paul Mathew, a conservation biologist specialising in plant conservation, and bartender, Everleaf started as a question that required an answer from nature.

Throughout his conservation work, Paul learned the best ways to interact with nature. If he found a problem within an ecosystem, rather than just implementing a solution, he would take time and give nature space to provide the answer to him. After moving behind the bar, Paul had the opportunity to listen to customers and discover their likes, dislikes and popular flavours, then create drinks based on his findings. He soon came to understand which spirits were best and why, but when faced with the task of creating a non-alcoholic drink, he began thinking about whether he could create an aperitif with all the best bits of the spirits he loved but without the alcohol. At this point, he turned to his years of experience in nature to find the answer.

After a year of researching plants and sustainable sourcing, experimenting with dehydrating, macerating, and extracting, Paul arrived at the final blend of flavours. Now the flavours were perfect; the viscosity needed tackling, which was done by using more of nature's ingredients, acacia trees and seaweeds. Finally, Everleaf was born.

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