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Martini Racing heritage

Our love affair with cycling started with the Rossi family, founders of the brand, who were sportsmen and sports lovers in their own right.

They were able to transfer this family passion to the company, bringing sport in its best expressions to the core of MARTINI.

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In the early decades of the last century, cycling was one of the first sports to have an enormous following and, therefore, much attention from the press. The great champions challenged each other, like heroes of times gone by, in all parts of Italy.

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Martini & Rossi understood the communicative force of this sport at once and began sponsoring leading events, such as 1924’s ‘Gran Coppa Ciclistica Martini & Rossi.’ 

In 1934 and in 1936 the company started promotional campaigns that followed the Tour of Italy race. The brand took part in the XXII Giro d’Italia, with two advertising vehicles specially designed following the cyclists along the route; the first vehicle carrying a giant replica bottle of MARTINI Vermouth, the second a bottle of Elixir China MARTINI. 

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