• • Ride safe guiding principles • •
Roads can be dangerous places to cycle if you don’t respect a few simple rules. Here are some simple guidelines to enjoy your bike safely.

Cycling safely
- Follow the Highway Code – don’t jump red lights, ever!
- In wet weather watch your speed as surfaces may be slippery and it will take you longer to stop.
- Wear a helmet.
- Keep your bike in tip top condition to avoid breakdowns.
- Keep security distance while riding in a group and ride in line.

Be visible
- Ride in a position where you can see and be seen.
- Use lights and consider wearing bright or reflective clothing, especially in towns, at night and in bad weather.
- Make eye contact with other road users, especially at junctions, then you know they’ve seen you.
- Signal clearly at all times.

Be aware of vehicles
- Many collisions occur when a cyclist is on the inside of a vehicle which is turning left. Don’t assume the vehicle is going straight ahead just because it isn’t signalling left. Always avoid ‘undertaking’ any vehicle in this situation – it’s better to hang back until the vehicle has moved off.
- Never cycle along the inside of large vehicles, such as lorries and buses, especially at junctions, where most accidents happen.
- When turning left, a lorry will often pull out to the right first, creating a wide gap between the vehicle and the kerb. Many cyclists think it’s safe to ride into this space, but this is a dangerous place to be as the gap quickly disappears when the lorry swings around to the left.