Words by Jane Ryan
Photography by Supplied
This one’s on Jameson: After a huge 2019 debut, Jameson is kicking off the second instalment of Australia’s Biggest Round. But this isn’t your typical Saturday evening shout, instead it’ll consist of 15,000 Jameson Dry + Limes served across your favourite bars in NSW, QLD, SA and later VIC. Here’s how to get involved.
It’s the end of winter, the end (for most of us) of lockdown and it’s never felt better to see friends face-to-face and share a drink in a bar – a luxury we won’t be taking for granted ever again. To help us all reconnect and finally say cheers in the flesh, Jameson is launching its biggest round yet, kicking off on September 10th.
After shouting Sydney-siders 10,000 drinks on the house last year, Jameson is bringing back the campaign to show support to venues and punters alike. There’s over 65 local spots you can enjoy a Jameson, Dry + Lime at across the participating states, with the epic line-up including Frankies, Mary’s, Surly’s and Lord Gladstone in NSW, while South Australians can hop to Adelaide haunt Hains & Co, and Queenslanders can enjoy a round from Brooklyn Standard, The Empire Hotel or Suzie Wongs. All you have to do is sign up to Jameson’s Australia’s Biggest Round website.
Our pals down South have not been forgotten. Jameson will continue to support their mates in Victoria by extending the duration of 2020’s bigger and better return, resuming the shout for the Victorian venues once it is safe to do so.
“We know a lot of Australian’s have had it tough in the past couple of months and many of our friends in Victoria continue to do so. We hope that Australia’s Biggest Round will be a small help in bringing our mates back together and sharing a Jamo Dry & Lime on us in their favourite local,” says Liam O’Connell, Jameson Brand Ambassador.
It doesn’t get more joyous, or typically Australian, than a reunion at a pub as the days get warmer. And if you’re unable to join friends with borders still closed, why not turn that front camera on and redeem your Jameson, Dry + Lime together over zoom?
“With the current restrictions still in place, we know how hard it is to be in the same place at the same time with your mates. Staying connected is so important - so if people can virtually cheers with a free Jameson Dry & Lime then this will also be something really amazing for us to see,” says Liam.
Lastly, and oh-so-importantly, don’t forget to give your bartender a huge thanks for passing over that freebie. Without our hospo mates, there’d be no round, big or small.
So, thanks Jameson for the shout – we certainly earned this one, together.
For the full T&Cs see here: www.winning-drinks.com/JamesonRound/terms
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