
Tony Hills’ Avatar Tony Hills
11th July 2023 at 22:52
I have been collecting Kina Lillet for maybe 15 years. This is a hobby of mine originally inspired to create the perfect Vesper. Naturally all of the bottles that come up for sale have oxidised, turned a nasty dark colour and the flavour is lost. However the secret lies in my collection of miniatures. These have been bottled with a plastic stopper and airtight wax seal. These have not oxidised and are in perfect condition. Happy to share with any genuine enthusiast. July 23
27th November 2023 at 01:27
Hello! If you are still open to sharing, I have been looking for ages as a gift to someone who has in turn been looking for years. Would be more than happy to pay a price you think is fair + a 'thank you immensely' tip.
Tony Hills’ Avatar Tony Hills
27th July 2024 at 22:30

I have just seen your interest in my miniature Kina Lillet collection. I had not really considered selling but happy to explore this option, or maybe share a perfect Vesper?
17th July 2023 at 13:01
That's very impressive, would you be open to any offers regarding those Miniatures?