
Chris Lamb’s Avatar Chris Lamb
6th June 2022 at 16:52
Whilst the review does mention the Peychaud's bitters (as another comment of yours promises!), I think you forgot to update the recipe too. Going to go and make one of these now...
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
14th June 2022 at 13:59
Thanks, Chris. I've now added bitters to the recipe.
G. M. Genovese’s Avatar G. M. Genovese
9th May 2021 at 22:30
On the edge of great/good-ness?... Used 99 Bananas again... Begged for sweetness; added 1/4 oz 1:1 turbinado syrup. Got it closer... Wild Turkey was nice in this, but does the overall expression need an overproof whiskey to make it excel?
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
10th May 2021 at 18:06
Agreed, better with bottled-in-bond rye. I found dashes of Peychaud's also beneficial so have updated the recipe and review accordingly.