Over the past 25 years I've made the 5,000 cocktails I've uploaded to this website and along the way I've created some 600 of my own cocktail recipes -...
Have to agree with a lot of the comments re ingredients. I have a "well stocked" bar too, built up over many years, but would appreciate a top 20 of cocktails with "normal" ingredients so I could make more of them immediately!
I have one of the most complete home bars I know of and I can make maybe two of these. I know a lot of your readers are Pros, but even the most complete cocktail bars in my area couldn't make most of these on request. I don't doubt they are amazing, but... whats the point?
This is a fantastic reference site for adventurous consumers as well as the pro’s for which it was originally intended. But you have to invest in ingredients, or maybe source alternatives on the Internet.
Of course, most top bars create their own infusions and custom flavourings that are impossible to replicate. Importantly, you only need one gin and Tanqueray is as good as any. If you are tempted to buy a second, buy some Green Chartreuse instead!
Love your site, but most of your "Top # List" e-mails are practically useless to someone like myself, as almost all of your selections contain at least one obscure ingredient that I will never buy only to watch sit on a shelf for the rest of my life.
Maybe this site is for bar owners or professional bartenders, rather that folks with a home bar and a passion for accessible cocktails.
Love the site, but dread opening your e-mails.
Sake is brilliant in cocktails but as with all ingredients, use a quality sake. There are a couple of rum cocktails above but I could and perhaps should have picked more. I looked more at how others had rated my recipes than the ingredients in those I selected.