
Mark Galaniuk’s Avatar Mark Galaniuk
28th June at 16:13
Incredible! Pleasant tart sidecar ish drink, will certainly buy cognac and sloe gin to mix it an home in the future
Nathalie O'Flynn’s Avatar Nathalie O'Flynn
4th May at 20:01
I totally messed up the recipe, I read “Hayman” and reached for the Old Tom one, then my husband who was then reading me the recipe noticed I needed Sloe Gin. I had poured all the ingredients already I thought let’s add 15ml of Elephant Sloe Gin. It was still very drinkable. Will make it right another time just don’t tell Simon or we’ll never be invited to the Cabinet Room for a sipping party.
Honestly when you see photos of the Cabinet Room I just crawl under the carpet. I’ll get me coat
John Champion’s Avatar John Champion
29th April at 20:02
Currently working on a "Blast from the Past" menu, with old cocktails that have been forgotten to time, and I had just added this one to the list the other day. You gotta love an old cocktail named after an old movie.