Celery saccharum is a cocktail ingredient made by infusing chopped celery in sugar. The sugar pulls the juice from the chopped celery to produce a sweet...
Clear and excellent instructions! I made some up this afternoon -- 110g celery (two sticks, finely chopped) with an equal weight of unrefined caster sugar, given some vigorous initial muddling. After three hours, I strained off 160ml of infusion the colour of extra virgin olive oil. The nose was celery, the initial taste had something of a honeyed melon(!), with vegetal celery following through afterwards.
Excellent in the Celery Century. Will definitely be trying others.
You raise a good point. I've added a link above and I've also now included celery saccharum in our Cocktail Finder under "By syrup". Thanks for bringing this omission to my attention.
Excellent in the Celery Century. Will definitely be trying others.