
28th May 2023 at 23:49
I replaced the curaçao, verjuice, pineapple juice, and bitters with more cachaça. I think I remember the Partepassout being good.
Nathalie O'Flynn’s Avatar Nathalie O'Flynn
27th May 2023 at 14:29
Preparing the ingredients in readiness for his truly creation for tonight^s aperitif... oh no... what is Verjuice I didn't see it earlier.. I'll have to skip that one
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
28th May 2023 at 13:31
You make a good point, Nathalie. I’ll add a link to explain what verjus is when I have a chance.
Nathalie O'Flynn’s Avatar Nathalie O'Flynn
28th May 2023 at 10:33
So nyway looked up Verjus and decided to use a mix of alternatives so I added some herbal white vinegar, some lime juice and lemon juice, but just a few mils of everything. I thought it worked rather well, an unusual taste becauses of the Cachaça but very annoyed with myself I realised too late I had forgotten the bitters... so to make again
Dimitri Katsaros’ Avatar Dimitri Katsaros
27th May 2023 at 07:09
Now you have to create a (Phileas) Fogg Cutter! :-)
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
27th May 2023 at 08:17
Brillant idea! Coming to a website near you soon.