
John Hinojos’ Avatar John Hinojos
19th May 2023 at 00:40
We omitted the sugar syrup as our apple juice, while being unsweetened, is organic and a bit on the sweet side being made from one type of apple. Very nice before dinner. Refreshing and the apple pulls out the pear flavour from the eau0-de-vie.
13th January 2023 at 22:25
is that one considered as a Martini family cocktail? just to classify it for my bibliotaste
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
14th January 2023 at 17:39
It's not a proper Martini - too much fruit juice and no vermouth. Please see our “When’s a Martini not a Martini” page in our Martini area (search for ‘Martini’ to find the area).
Annabelle Egginton ’s Avatar Annabelle Egginton
28th December 2022 at 19:00
Perfectly balanced fruit sweetness and dryness of the vodka. The pear flavor comes through more than the apple, although the acidity of the apple juices balances the pear which could be too sweet thus making it a good pre-dinner cocktail.