I read this on the internet, so you know it’s true: because French vermouth was not available in England during the Nazi regime in France during WWII, Churchill would turn south toward Paris and bow slightly to toast in recognition to the home of dry vermouth before quaffing his martini.
I’m afraid that, whilst amusing, this story of how Churchill was supposed to have liked his Martinis is no true.
Have a read if this if you doubt me. https://bevvy.co/articles/churchill-martini-myth/18582
He preferred about a 10ml of Scotch in a highball glass filled with ice and topped up to the brim with soda water. It’s what I call a “Highland Barley Water” and what his daughter called a “Pappa highball.”
honestly? i don't even garnish OR stir it. just dry gin straight from the freezer in a chilled glass. not a cocktail i guess, but one of my favorite ways to appreciate gin