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James Brooke

You can find me as @thehistorybooze on Instagram.

United Kingdom United Kingdom


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James Brooke’s Avatar James Brooke
Thank you. I thought that might be the case.
That brings up the question of how many different amaros one needs in order to cover all the amaro styles? I suspect the answer is too many for my storage space and budget!
James Brooke’s Avatar James Brooke
Please can someone give me some advice. I don't have Amaro Nonino, but I do have Amaro Montenegro and Amaro Averna. Which one would be better as a substitute in this cocktail?
James Brooke’s Avatar James Brooke
I’m surprised Difford’s Guide doesn’t also feature the Harrovian cocktail, from the Savoy Cocktail Book, as Harrow is supposed to be the rival school to Eton!
James Brooke’s Avatar James Brooke
I'm curious and confused as to why, when you click on the link for "Rosso/Rojo (antica-style, sweet, fruity) vermouths 0" you don't get Antica formula or Cocchi Vermouth di Torino listed, but 10 other Vermouths are listed?