
Susie Bright’s Avatar Susie Bright
1st May at 22:04
Well, it’s May Day, and I think it’s lots of fun to make “The Communist” especially if you have some retro glassware. Don’t worry, the drink will not turn you pink.
1.00 ounce gin
1.00 ounce orange juice
0.50 ounce cherry brandy (Cherry Heering)
0.75 ounce fresh lemon juice
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
9th August at 16:00
Great suggestion, Susie. I've added a link to The Communist above.
Zqren Waren’s Avatar Zqren Waren
1st May at 16:07
No Labor Day cocktail?
It’s also Muguet (Lily of the Valley ?) Day in France! There should be a cocktail for that!
Salutations :)
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
9th August at 16:01
I've added Labour Day and suggested cocktails above. Thanks for bringing to my attention.
Sean Anderson’s Avatar Sean Anderson
1st May at 11:14
It’s also International Worker’s Day! I’ll be making something red with Havana Club…
Jorge Guerrero ’s Avatar Jorge Guerrero
1st May 2021 at 14:54
In Mexico its Labor day. This day ( a long time ago?) people fought for better working conditions(8 hour shifts, 48hours per week, insurance, etc) So today nobody does anything its 1 of the 5 holidays in mexico when no one is supposed to work. Salud?
1st May 2021 at 14:15
In the US, it’s also Derby Day! Mint Juleps for me today!