
Maho Lomez’s Avatar Maho Lomez
12th February 2023 at 05:18
"wari" is pronounced "wah-ri", not "ware-e" :)
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
13th February 2023 at 08:19
Thanks, Maho. I've corrected above.
27th August 2020 at 23:29
I apologize for taking so long to clarify, I only saw the reply today. Under variants, there's one named "Shunbun" which mentions ume shiso. Thank you!
15th December 2022 at 15:31
I am guessing based on Simon's results specifying a liquid, its probably referring not to a garnish of ume and shiso[also called perilla], but to a product like Umeshu[plum wine] brand Choya Umeshu Shiso. They also produce a Choya Umeshu Honey, which appears to be the product the "Risshun" refers to.
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
30th August 2020 at 10:24
Sadly I don't know. Hopefully, another reader can help. A search reveals many references to a Hibiki Shunbun "25ml Ume shiso (Japanese mint)". This is a very old page and I don't have related notes as to the original source.
12th July 2020 at 18:06
Does "ume shiso" here refer to red shiso, or is that cocktail made with umeboshi and shiso?
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
13th July 2020 at 06:08
Not sure where you are referring to "ume shiso" in the recipe or comments above? Please can give more info on what you're asking.