
21st September 2022 at 08:40
the suggestion of adding salt/saline turns this classic into a salty dog.
John Hinojos’ Avatar John Hinojos
11th May 2022 at 20:30
Classic cocktail. Perfect balance of grapefruit sour to sweet. Great for anytime. Perfect in the afternoon.
G. M. Genovese’s Avatar G. M. Genovese
20th December 2021 at 22:01
I bought an egregious volume of grapefruit last week. Just getting around to running through it. I've done and redone the Greyhound a few times in a row now. 4:1 juice:spirit is too dilute. I'm finding a 2:1 works has a more dynamic punch. A little saline doesn't hurt too. What's been your experiences with this relatively-bland but potential-rich drink?
Hunter Newsome’s Avatar Hunter Newsome
4th July 2022 at 21:10
I've found 2:1 to be the best ratio of mixer to spirit in a highball, with few exceptions. Referring to the classic highball form (which is indeed pretty bland), and not the current recipe on this page, I would say saline or a pinch of salt is pretty essential and also gin works better than vodka. A grapefruit twist also elevates it.