
Tuber Magnatum’s Avatar Tuber Magnatum
17th October 2024 at 22:58
Last comment! Tried a third time and used Bourbon in place of rye. For me, this really elevated the drink giving it more body and better mouthfeel.
Tuber Magnatum’s Avatar Tuber Magnatum
7th May 2024 at 23:46
Made this a second time but garnished with a Maraschino cherry just because. It got me to thinking though, are there rules of thumb as to when and what garnish to use? I thought that in this case, a cherry would complement the Maraschino liqueur. Notwithstanding the "recipe" it worked for me, which I guess is what matters! Oh, I forgot to mention it is an excellent cocktail regardless.
Jim G’s Avatar Jim G
1st January 2024 at 01:49
Hum. Sipping on this as I type. I used China-China as I did not have Amer Picon or Amer Luciano. I think I like. More than a Manhattan? Probably not. But it's pretty good.
Hunter Newsome’s Avatar Hunter Newsome
27th August 2023 at 22:24
The rye is very front and center in this drink. I would probably reduce it a bit.
Dave D.’s Avatar Dave D.
7th September 2022 at 23:09
This was spectacular! I was able to secure some Amer Picon and what a great blend of flavors , each distinct but all discernible .
Dominic Dirupo’s Avatar Dominic Dirupo
1st May 2022 at 07:58
Made this to your spec vs the Claridges recipe (less vermouth, more amer and maraschino). Both great. This and the Brooklyn are my go-to Manhattan alternatives
Marc Wexler’s Avatar Marc Wexler
2nd April 2020 at 23:51
With the greatest of respect to Phil Ward, isn’t this the original (Jack’s Manual, 1908) Brooklyn recipe! Look it up— what goes around comes around, I guess!
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
3rd April 2020 at 10:50
For other readers, Jacob Abraham Grohusko's 1908 'Jack's Manual' recipe for a Brooklyn Cocktail: "1 dash Amer Picon bitters, 1 dash Maraschino, 50% rye whiskey, 50% Ballor Vermouth. Fill glass with ice. Stir and strain. Serve." Simular but with a different proportion of rye to vermouth.