Made this a second time but garnished with a Maraschino cherry just because. It got me to thinking though, are there rules of thumb as to when and what garnish to use? I thought that in this case, a cherry would complement the Maraschino liqueur. Notwithstanding the "recipe" it worked for me, which I guess is what matters! Oh, I forgot to mention it is an excellent cocktail regardless.
Hum. Sipping on this as I type. I used China-China as I did not have Amer Picon or Amer Luciano. I think I like. More than a Manhattan? Probably not. But it's pretty good.
Made this to your spec vs the Claridges recipe (less vermouth, more amer and maraschino). Both great. This and the Brooklyn are my go-to Manhattan alternatives
With the greatest of respect to Phil Ward, isn’t this the original (Jack’s Manual, 1908) Brooklyn recipe! Look it up— what goes around comes around, I guess!
For other readers, Jacob Abraham Grohusko's 1908 'Jack's Manual' recipe for a Brooklyn Cocktail: "1 dash Amer Picon bitters, 1 dash Maraschino, 50% rye whiskey, 50% Ballor Vermouth. Fill glass with ice. Stir and strain. Serve." Simular but with a different proportion of rye to vermouth.