
12th August 2023 at 13:07
I swapped out the sugar syrup and added 10ml Licor 43 for an added vanilla note - lovely!
Stuart Holtom’s Avatar Stuart Holtom
24th January 2021 at 17:59
In my usual spirit of invention, i.e. what I had in the cupboard, I substituted the lemon juice for limoncello. Give it a try it was awesome.
Areum Jeon’s Avatar Areum Jeon
22nd October 2020 at 09:05
I wonder if I shake Irish cream with lemon juice, won't it be curdled up like in a shot of cement mixer? I've read that cream reacts to citric acid that way...
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
22nd October 2020 at 15:25
If you add the lemon juice last, immediately before you shake, then there should be no problem with curdling.