25 March

Greek Independence Day

Greek Martini

So we are drinking a...

Greek Martini

Greek Independence Day, also known as Greek National Day, is celebrated annually on March 25th to commemorate the beginning of the Greek War of Independence against the Ottoman Empire in 1821. This historic event marks the beginning of the modern Greek state and will be celebrated across the country with cultural events and religious ceremonies showcasing the rich history and traditions of Greece.

The Greek War of Independence was a long and bloody struggle that lasted for almost a decade. Greeks from all walks of life, including peasants, merchants, and intellectuals, rose up against the Ottoman Empire, which had ruled over Greece for centuries. The Greeks were inspired by the ideals of the Enlightenment and the French and American revolutions, which preached the principles of freedom, democracy, and human rights.

After years of fighting and bloodshed, the Greeks were finally able to gain their independence on March 25th, 1821. The formal declaration of independence was made in 1830, when the Treaty of Constantinople was signed, recognising Greece as an independent state.

Today, Greek Independence Day is a national holiday and a day of great pride and celebration for Greeks around the world. One of the most important symbols of Greek Independence Day is the Greek flag, which will be flown proudly by Greeks around the world, and is a reminder of the sacrifices made by the brave men and women who fought for Greece's freedom.

Today we remember and honour the brave men and women who fought for Greece's freedom and independence and toast them all with a Greek Martini.

New Years - Take 2

We're always sniffing about for an excuse for a party - so when we learned that 25 March was the original "New Years", we thought we'd better celebrate all over again just to be sure...

The 25th March was traditionally the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - known as Lady Day. It was the first day of the first quarter of the year when contracts were renewed between farmers and landlords, meaning that it was celebrated as 'New Year' in medieval times.

In 1752, the Julian calendar was changed to the Gregorian calendar, and Lady Day was relegated - New Years became 1 January as we all know today. However, seeing as it's still officially Lady Day, we thought that it might be a good idea to make a couple of Lady's Sidecars, put on some choral music and make merry medieval style.

Today is also the day Venice was founded

According to legend, the city of Venice was founded at the stroke of noon on this day in March 421, when the dedication of its first church, San Giacomo di Rialto, is said to have taken place.

Nothing of the original church remains today, and the present church on this site is famed for its huge and famously inaccurate, one-handed, 15th-century clock that looms over its Gothic entrance portico.

There are no surviving records of the origins of Venice but some historians believe that its original population comprised Roman refugees from nearby undefended countryside and coastline fleeing the Germanic and Hun invasions.

Venice is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, so today we're drinking to its modest origins with a simple but very lovely Little Venice.

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