
Noel Sharkey’s Avatar Noel Sharkey
23rd February 2023 at 12:14
This runs close to Craddock original White Lady although that is a 2:1;1 (no egg white). Some authors suggest it is an alternative name for the early White Lady.
Noel Sharkey’s Avatar Noel Sharkey
23rd February 2023 at 12:31
Doh! I note that your White Lady has a reference link to the Chelsea Sidecar
15th July 2022 at 09:13
Also good with an added 1/3 shot of yellow chartreuse.
Steve Anderson’s Avatar Steve Anderson
18th June 2020 at 21:56
Much better with gin than rum (my mistake yesterday.) Still, can it really be called a Sidecar without Cognac? It's hard to beat the original.
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
24th June 2020 at 20:21
I just tried with an 8-year-old rum, thinking that closest to cognac and it doesn't work. Agreed, better with gin. Chelsea Sidecar name references gin's London association and, apart from base spirit, recipe following that for a Sidecar.
Steve Anderson’s Avatar Steve Anderson
17th June 2020 at 21:52
I grabbed the white rum instead of gin by mistake! Interesting taste. I guess that would make a Cuban Sidecar?? I'll try again tomorrow to make a Chelsea Sidecar and compare.