
Ian Fenton’s Avatar Ian Fenton
27th August 2023 at 11:36
Despite my undying love for Strega (and the redheaded witch on the old box art), it’s just not that amazing. Maybe too much lime juice - perhaps those increasing the gin are on to something.
Ankur Patodia’s Avatar Ankur Patodia
26th August 2023 at 14:55
Perfect with 2 shots of gin as suggested below. Diluted with half a shot of water while using dry ice.
Calvin Grant’s Avatar Calvin Grant
8th June 2023 at 02:39
Nice to have a Last Word alternative in this age of Chartreuse shortages. Excellent recipe!
Jill Ghosh’s Avatar Jill Ghosh
26th April 2023 at 22:00
We enjoyed this as much, if not more than the Last Word! We tried this version, enjoyed it. Then we tried it with 2 oz. of gin, and preferred it. We felt it was more balanced, tastier, and had a lighter taste overall.
16th October 2021 at 01:51
I really enjoy a Last Word, but to my own surprise, I have to say that this is markedly better than the Chartreuse version (and much, much better than an equal-parts Chartreuse version). I predict that most of my bottle of Strega will go towards this recipe.
10th January 2021 at 03:01
With those specs it's a littles tart, i would dial up the maraschino to 1/2 ounce to balance it.