
Simon Sedgley’s Avatar Simon Sedgley
24th July 2024 at 05:55
As an ingredient, this contributes to a wonderful margarita but we think it cries out to be sipped neat from a liqueur glass alongside a platter of Roquefort and crusty farmhouse sourdough. Some olives on the side, perhaps made into a tapenade.
Monkey Beng’s Avatar Monkey Beng
19th October 2023 at 08:08
Ok but it's a french product. Maybe it's because of the side of the Netherland's flag. Sorry
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
19th October 2023 at 09:33
May have originated in France but it is now made by De Kuyper in the Netherlands - and a great job they are doing too.
John Hinojos’ Avatar John Hinojos
28th March 2021 at 01:47
This is great. I find it smoother than Grand Marnier and the taste is much more delicate being made from Mandarins. Makes a great Margarita.