I've cut the overproof rum by a third from the original recipe to allow the other ingredients space to shine in this delicious Martini-like, dry and spirituous...
Beautiful. Delicately balanced herbal, fruity, tropical, sweet and dry flavours, faint nuttiness from the fino. Lovely use of the OP rum to add flavour and a pleasant musty aroma.
I used a long forgotten bottle of Bacardi 151 for this, and I’m really not sure what I think of it. I don’t love it, possibly because I don’t really like the sherry that I have (trying to get rid of the bottle), but, and I can’t believe I’m writing this, the notes from the 151 are actually quite pleasant. Not sure where John got the sweetness from in his mix, but even with a sweet apricot brandy I would consider it balanced rather than sweet. Maybe I’ll try it again with a different sherry.