
21st October 2023 at 13:22
Very good, a very interesting way to show up the black walnut bitters ( they are a recent acquisition of mine and I'm in ove with them). Made it with Torres 20 Hors d'Age brandy. Catalan brandies have a nice vanilla touch
Lee Clarke’s Avatar Lee Clarke
23rd October 2022 at 19:21
Just tried this for the first time. Absolutely love it.
Flemming Juul’s Avatar Flemming Juul
19th December 2021 at 00:12
I'm using Torres Brandy for this one, and it's one of the absolute favourite sippers.
26th February 2021 at 01:25
Highly Recommended.
Alan Brown’s Avatar Alan Brown
31st January 2021 at 18:38
Quite delicious, and definitely a sipper to be savoured slowly. The walnut bitters are essential to the finished drink.