A twist of the classic Vieux Carré with scotch substituting rye whiskey and cherry wine in place of vermouth. The bitter balance is provided by aromatised...
I successfully ‘threw’ the cocktail - and not all over my kitchen floor - Yipeee!! I also had a lot of ‘same as but different’ subs, heering is always too sweet for me so cut it in half, and added Cynar, no Punt so Antica as suggested below. So, I guess not really same as lol. But what counts - It is very tasty! And I’ll make it again.
I didn't have Punt e Mes so I used Antica Formula. But it tasted a bit sweet, so I added 5 ml of Cynar and it worked out fine. More than fine. But maybe still a bit sweet. Such a change would probably need a more careful rebalancing, maybe cutting a bit of cherry Heering. Anyway, a great cocktail, four and a half stars.
As we say above, this recipe is "adapted" from the original by Georgia (in the video). We've adapted the recipe to use ingredients more generally available around the world.