
DabblesMoose’s Avatar DabblesMoose
11th November at 18:38
Hi, the suggested vermouth is out of stock. What do you recommend as an alternative please?
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
11th November at 19:54
Our first shipment of Strucchi is due this month. If you can’t wait, Noilly Prat is a classic choice.
Cocktailpixie   ’s Avatar Cocktailpixie
7th September at 07:13
I think you need to recheck the weights given as they don't make sense
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
8th September at 19:00
Apologies! I've just made 3 times and averaged the weights to arrive at the above. As you correctly say, 140ml water weighs 140g.
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
7th September at 08:33
Are you allowing for variance in specific gravities of each ingredient?